Data protection

In the course of its internet work. the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) treats your data in a responsible manner, in compliance with the regulations of the data protection law of the Evangelical Church in Germany. We collect, process and utilise your data only in so far as it is necessary for the processing of enquiries or orders. Over and above this, we only use your data in accordance with your explicit consent. Your data will not be passed on to third parties or used for commercial purposes.

It goes without saying that we shall be pleased to inform you about the manner in which the personal data that you place at our disposal is used. If you wish, we shall not use your data for taking up further contact and the data will be deleted.

The constant optimisation of our website is very close to our heart. For this purpose, com-puter-related data is saved in order to track trends and compile statistics. These saved data also serve the purpose of identifying and tracing attempts to gain unauthorized access to our web server. For this reason, data protocols are logged, saved and evaluated in the event of unauthorised access attempts. The evaluation is conducted by members of the EKD. We have made all of our staff familiar and committed them to comply with the data protection regulations.  Likewise, it is guaranteed that the regulations pertaining to data protection are also adhered to by all external service providers involved.

Active Components (Cookies, etc.)

Within the entire range of information offered by the EKD, neither Java-Applets nor Active-X-Controls are used. JavaScript is only used when necessary.  Cookies are applied in order to save the functionality of the font size changes. They contain no personal data and are not subjected to evaluation. If the cookies are disabled, the font size can only be changed via the browser. Fora to which users may register also use cookies. Users may decide for them-selves whether these cookies shall be permanently saved or deleted after each session.
Most browsers are set up in such a way that they automatically accept cookies.  It is possible for you to set your browser so that you will be informed about the placement of cookies. In this way, you will have a transparent overview of the application of cookies.

Protocol Logging

On every access to the website, the relevant access data is saved for the above mentioned technical security and statistical reasons.  User profiles are not compiled. No data - not even partial data - is passed to third persons.

According to which access protocol is used, the logged protocol contains the following infor-mation:

  • IP address of the accessing computer,
  • Date and time of access attempt,
  • access method/function requested by the accessing computer,
  • input values transmitted by the accessing computer (e.g. form inputs )
  • access status of the web server (file transferred, file not found, command not exe-cuted . ),
  • Name of file requested (URL) possibly as well as the network path through which the file was requested and/or through which the requested function was initiated (Referrer).

Wherever the opportunity is given on our website to insert personal or business information (for example, when making a personal registration, placing an order, making a request or sending a notification)  this information is supplied by the site visitor on an explicitly vol-untary basis. Also in this case, your data are treated as confidential and will not be passed on to third parties.

E-mail Security

If you send us your e-mail address, it will only be used for corresponding with you.  E-mail addresses that you send to us when ordering a Newsletter will only be used for this specific purpose. No encryption procedure will be used.


Our website contains links to other websites. We have no influence over the content matter of these sites nor whether or not their site operators adhere to the relevant data protection regulations. 

The Use of Personal Data and the Limitation of its Use to Specifically Prescribed Pur-poses

All person-related data contained in the framework of our internet services are gathered, pro-cessed and used,  in accordance with  the relevant regulations pertaining to the protection of personal data, solely for the purpose of this service and to preserve our own legitimate inter-ests in providing information, advice and support for the visitors to our site and to enable us to offer a service capable of meeting their needs. The Evangelical Church in Germany will only pass on person-related data to authorised institutions (public authorities), if the Evan-gelical Church in Germany is obliged to do so by legal regulations or court order..


The Evangelical Church in Germany applies technical and organisational measures to pro-tect the data placed at its disposal against accidental or deliberate loss or destruction, as well as against manipulation caused by persons gaining unauthorized access.  Our security measures are constantly up-dated and improved in accordance with the technical state-of-the-art.

Data Protection Assurance

The data protection law of the Evangelical Church in Germany affords each individual citizen various possibilities to satisfy himself or herself as to the correct treatment of his or her per-son-related data by requesting and receiving information, and to influence the way it is used by self-editing, deleting and/or preventing access to such data. For information regarding data protection in the Evangelical Church in Germany, please contact the Commissioner for Data Protection,

Detlef Rückert
Charlottenstrasse 53/54
10117 Berlin
Telefon: 030-203 55-208
Telefax: 030-203 55-10

Contact us

Evangelisches Zentralarchiv
Bethaniendamm 29
10997 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 22 50 45 - 20
Fax: +49 30 22 50 45 - 40

Opening Times:
Mon - Thu 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Please note that our reading room will be closed on 31 october 2024.

Usage is possible at any time during the hours of operation. Reservations are not required.

2024 Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland | Data protection | Legal notice
Publikationsdatum dieser Seite: 14.10.2024 13:23