
Further localities of parish registers and personal documents:

(All information is subject to change)

  • Copies of parish registers of Pomeria (East of the river Oder)
    Landesarchiv Greifswald
    Martin-Andersen-Nexö-Platz 1
    17489 Greifswald
    Tel.: (03834) 59 53
    Fax: (03834) 59 53 63
  • Parish registers of Pomerania (East of the river Oder)
    Landeskirchliches Archiv der Pommerschen Evangelischen Kirche
    Rudolf-Petershagen-Allee 3
    17489 Greifswald
    Tel.: (03834) 57 25 56
    Fax: (03834) 57 25 36
  • Parish register archives of Silesia (East of the river Neisse)
    Archiv des Ev. Kirchenkreisverbandes Schlesische Oberlausitz
    Schlaurother Straße 11
    02827 Görlitz
    Tel.: (03581) 744 -0
    Fax: (03581) 744 - 299
  • German Central Office for Genealogy
    Deutsche Zentralstelle für Genealogie
    Schongauer Straße 1
    04329 Leipzig
    Tel.: (0341) 255 55 51
  • Copies of parish registers from East Brandenburg (today Pland)
    Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv
    14404 Potsdam PF 60 04 49
  • Copies of parish registers from East Prussia
    Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz
    Archivstraße 12-14
    14195 Berlin
    Tel.: (030) 839 01 00

A huge amount of Parish Registers (filmed) at: Genealogy Library of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints. Please ask your nearest public archives or a genealogy association for address.

Other addresses for personal information:

Information about missing persons and refugees:

For members of the German army during the First and the Second World War:

Further adresses for family research:

  • The Herold. Association for Heraldik, Genealogy and related Sciences (Der Herold. Verein für Heraldik, Genealogie und verwandte Wissenschaften)
    Archivstraße 12/14
    14195 Berlin
  • Association of East German Ancestry Researchers (Arbeitsgemeinschaft ostdeutscher Familienforscher e.V.)
    Ritterfelddamm 219
    14089 Berlin
  • Literature about the former East German territories:
    Berliner Platz 11
    44623 Herne
  • German emigrant database:
    Historisches Museum Bremerhaven/Morgenstern-Museum
    An der Geeste
    27570 Bremerhaven

    Contact us

    Evangelisches Zentralarchiv
    Bethaniendamm 29
    10997 Berlin
    Tel.: +49 30 22 50 45 - 20
    Fax: +49 30 22 50 45 - 40

    Opening Times:
    Mon - Thu 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

    Please note that our reading room will be closed between 23 December and 3 January.

    Usage is possible at any time during the hours of operation. Reservations are not required.

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    Publikationsdatum dieser Seite: 2024-12-30